Monday 20th April to Monday 4th May – Krishna Village (Part III): week two and extra-farm adventures

Saturday is the community day off and some people with cars and friends of people with cars go to Byron, Nimbin and other places near-ish by; the farm falls quiet and calm and it’s nice. Yoga is at the lie-in time of 7am. The catch is that it’s a Blaine class, which means it will be hard work, as I found out at the 5pm class yesterday – which was especially tough as, in my ignorance, I had decided to do a workout right before thinking it would be followed by a nice stretch, oh so wrong! But I’m up for it, let’s go! I want to get stronger, this is good. Blaine’s classes are a real physical challenge and I love this about yoga, how it can be pitched for both lengthening and strengthening the muscles as well as connecting back to the body through mindful movement. I also like how Blaine takes us through a brief routine a few times and then sets us to repeat it a number of times at the rate of our own breath. I can get into a more comfortable flow, the movement and experience is even more rewarding and the repetition lays down learning that will serve me beyond this immediate class. Despite an impromptu 24hr fast due to recent distractions, I actually feel really good in my body and brain. I’m happily surprised at how easily my body has taken to the fast given that this vegetarian food is more carbohydrate heavy than I would normally choose myself. If I wasn’t on temple time, I might have continued my fast until my body told me it needed to eat but pushing until lunch feels like a gamble. I skip the bread again but not the havla (a sweet spiced fruit and ground almond dish), mostly because it’s on my plate before I have time to decline. I’m not mad at it. 🙂

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